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Digital Marketing

Have you identified your audience?

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Identifying a target audience is an essential step in creating effective marketing and advertising campaigns yet a big percentage of businesses we talk to appear to have missed this out completely.

Understanding the demographics, needs, and behaviours of a target audience is vital for us in managing a client’s marketing campaign and ensures we increase conversions and ultimately grow their revenue as quickly as possible but also with the best type of customer.

So here’s our step by step guide to identifying your target audience.

Gather information

The first step in identifying a target audience is to gather information. This can include demographic information such as age, gender, income, and education level. Additionally, you should consider the geographic location, lifestyle and interests of your perfect customer.

Once you have a general understanding of the audience, you can begin to segment the market by identifying specific subgroups or niches. For example, a business that sells outdoor gear could segment its market by identifying subgroups such as hikers, campers, and hunters. These subgroups may have different needs and interests and therefore may require a different marketing approach.

Pain points

Another important aspect of identifying a target audience is to understand their pain points and needs. This information can be gathered through surveys, focus groups, and customer interviews. By understanding the problems that a target audience is facing, you can create a more effective marketing message and offer solutions that directly address their pain points.


Once you’ve identified a target audience, you can then create buyer personas. A buyer persona is a fictional representation of a business’s ideal customer, based on the research and information gathered about the target audience. Creating buyer personas can help you to understand the goals, motivations, and pain points of your target audience, which can be used to create a more effective marketing strategy.

Social media data

In addition to traditional methods of research, you can also use social media and website analytics to gain insights into your target audience. For example, you could use social media analytics tools to understand the demographics and interests of your followers. Website analytics can be used to understand the behaviour of website visitors, such as which pages they visit, how long they stay, and where they came from.

Customer journey

Finally, you should also consider the customer journey when identifying a target audience. The customer journey is the process that a customer goes through when researching, considering, and purchasing a product or service. By understanding the different stages of the customer journey, you can create a more effective marketing strategy that addresses the needs of the target audience at each stage.


Identifying a target audience is an essential step in creating an effective marketing and advertising campaign and something any digital agency you might be working with will need.

You should gather as much information as possible about the general population, segment the market, understand the pain points and needs of the target audience, create buyer personas, and use social media and website analytics.

Additionally, you should consider the customer journey when creating a marketing strategy. By understanding the demographics, needs, and behaviours of a target audience, you can create a more effective marketing strategy, increase conversions and ultimately grow your revenue.

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