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Health & Fitness: The Top Industry Insights for 2023

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In this new age of the health and fitness industry, it’s important for businesses to be aware of what’s trending. Take a look at the top industry insights for 2023 below and how you can use them to your advantage.

Top Trends

Hybrid Memberships

With research highlighting a 41% increase in the number of consumers adopting hybrid fitness routines, gyms have an opportunity to drive revenue by offering hybrid memberships with quality digital offerings.


Prioritisation of Wellness

Mental wellness has become a big priority for many, and your digital content should absolutely be reflecting this. A good place to start is by optimising your content to promote holistic well-being over aesthetic goals. Think ‘Mind Over Mass’ or ‘Meditate to Regenerate’. You can even have those taglines on us!

In the UK, the health and
wellness industry is estimated
to hit £30.6 billion in 2023

Community-Focused Fitness

Working out in a communal environment is great for releasing endorphins, forming meaningful connections and establishing healthy habits. Plus, it’s fun! Not only will promoting exercise with a community-focus, such as zumba, spin and pilates, be a bit hit amongst members, but will also demonstrate that your club is a welcoming space for all. 

Community and group fitness should be a focal point. Now more than ever, people are looking for the sense of community. AND community is what will make clients 'stickier'.

Leveraging Trends for Success

Now that we’ve unveiled the top health and fitness industry trends of this year, you’re probably wondering what this means for your business. Try considering some of the following strategies:

  • Mobile-First Approach: An increasing amount of people accessing information and services through smartphones, so ensure your website is mobile-friendly, or even develop a dedicated mobile app, for a seamless user experience.
  • Wearable Technology Integration: Embracing technology like fitness trackers and smartwatches improves customer engagement. 
  • Personalised Content and Coaching: Deliver personalised content and coaching through online platforms to offer a bespoke hybrid experience. Data analytics and user profiling can be utilised to deliver tailored workout plans, nutrition advice and wellness tips. 
Our work for MSG, a Snap Fitness franchise group, helped them to scale from 3 gyms to 25 across the UK through paid advertising and social media campaigns

Grow Your Business with Bigg

Maintaining a consistent online presence with tailored content is the key to maximising profits and driving traffic. If you’re looking to get your business noticed by a wider audience, Bigg can help. We’ve used our wealth of digital marketing expertise to help expand a number of companies in the health and fitness sector. Our work for MSG, a Snap Fitness franchise group, helped them to scale from 3 gyms to 25 across the UK through paid advertising and social media campaigns. To find out why clients love our personalised, results-driven approach, get in touch with us today.

Our work for MSG, a Snap Fitness franchise group, helped them to scale from 3 gyms to 25 across the UK through paid advertising and social media campaigns

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