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Dani Barnes


Regency Laundry is a high end linen rental company that appeals to luxury brands, where we’ve been using targeted paid advertising strategies to improve visibility and boost client engagement rates. Our approach centres on utilising targeted keywords to reach a high end audience, where we’re already seeing exciting results – read on to find out more about our recent success.

The Client

Since 1879, Regency Laundry has been providing a top quality laundry service across the South West. Their services are aimed particularly at luxury brands and establishments, including the very best hotels, spas and hospitality venues in the area. These clients require perfectly laundered linens and a personalised concierge service, where Regency Laundry is more than ready to provide this.

Working with high end venues, Regency Laundry strives to deliver superior quality standards with every order. Luxury establishments want only the best for their customers, meaning linen must be exquisitely clean and of a premium quality. Beyond this, the Regency Laundry team also prioritises exceptional communication at all levels, where every client receives a 5 star end-to-end service.

Our Experience

At Bigg, we have a wealth of experience working with commercial laundry clients, where we work with Johnsons Stalbridge Linen Services and their affiliate companies, including London Linen and South West Laundry. 

We write high quality blog content for these clients and provide research-backed search optimisation services across their sites. These efforts make a positive contribution to Johnson’s profitability and growth, where our data-backed approach is designed to produce consistent, measurable results. 

As such, our team has a thorough understanding of the laundry and linen hire industry, where we know how to target specific consumer groups and make our clients stand out from the crowd. As such, we’ve applied this expertise to our work with Regency Laundry, allowing us to see excellent results in the first months of our strategy.

Our Strategy

We’ve implemented a targeted paid advertising campaign with Regency Laundry, where our approach leveraged visitor and conversion data in order to increase profitability month after month. 

More specifically, our strategy involved utilising detailed keyword research to ensure that we’re reaching the right audience. This meant targeting luxury hotels, spas and hospitality venues with an existing linen requirement, in addition to tailoring our audience segment bidding strategy to fit this brief.

In addition to this, our team has worked to promote Regency Laundry’s Unique Selling Points, in order to make them stand out from other similar brands and competitors. As such, we’ve highlighted their commitment to sustainability, as well as the ethical sourcing of their linen.

Measurable Success

Our strategy has shown clear signs of success. We’ve only been running ads for Regency Laundry since January 2024, but for Month 2 of the Regency Laundry campaign our data illustrates that:

  • The number of conversions increased by 141%
  • The cost per conversion decreased by more than 50%

Feedback from our client also indicated that we’ve generated high-quality leads with our ad campaign, where we’ve reached the desired target audience with every click. 

This meant that the traffic directed to the Regency Laundry site was representative of their preferred client base, helping to boost conversions and business growth in a real way.

Choose Bigg For Your Business

If you’re in the laundry and linen hire business, then we’re the perfect choice for all your digital marketing needs. 

At Bigg, our approach to paid advertising is always backed by data, where we track everything we do in order to stay ahead of current trends and platform updates. Our ‘always learning’ ad campaigns are designed with flexibility in mind, where we’re continuously optimising our approach to ensure we’re achieving maximum conversion rates with every post.

Beyond the world of laundry our client-base is exceedingly broad, where we work with business leaders in technology, lifestyle and homeware. So whatever your area of expertise, we’re here to help.
Get in touch with us today to find out more about what we can do for your business.

Ever wondered what working at a busy digital marketing agency is actually like? We’ve got you covered! We caught up with a couple of members of the Bigg cohort to give you a sneak peek into how our teams work to achieve exceptional results for our clients. Let’s go! 

Iona | Content Executive

Iona joined Bigg as a content writer in September 2022 after completing her English & Creative Writing degree. 

What does your job role involve?

As a Content Executive, my daily tasks can range greatly between creative aspects and strategic aspects. This could include writing blogs, articles, product descriptions or email copy, or optimising existing content in line with the best SEO practices to help improve a client’s organic rankings on SERPs.

I also frequently work on content audits for new clients, whereby we outline an intentional content strategy for their campaign ahead, taking into account their existing content, content their target audience are looking for and how they can differentiate themselves from competitors through the content they offer

Which marketing tools do you use?

One of the tools I use for informing my content writing is SEOQuake, which is used when optimising the content on a client’s website, as this provides us with information about the existing page title, meta description and header structure of a specific webpage. This then allows me to identify if and where each of these elements need to be improved and whether or not they are currently optimised for SEO.

What’s your area of specialism?

Because I studied English & Creative Writing at university, I’d say it’s the writing aspect of my role that I really excel at. Having strong written communication skills has certainly made it easier to write with marketing in mind, which I’ve no doubt improved upon since starting at Bigg and expanding my content marketing and SEO knowledge.

What marketing tips can you share?

Be patient and don’t underestimate your target audience! SEO takes time, so it can feel disheartening producing content when engagement is low, but it’s important to persevere and consistently produce intentional, valuable content that targets your customer pain points. People will come across your content eventually, and when they do you want to ensure it both engages them and offers them value, rather than wastes their time. And remember, tailor your content to your readers first and foremost, not the search engines!

What do you enjoy most about working at Bigg?

It’s an encouraging and friendly atmosphere to work in. Everyone is always happy to help where they can and it’s great to have so many talented and knowledgeable colleagues to learn from! 

Emma | Senior SEO Executive 

Having been with Bigg for just over two years, Emma is now a senior member of the SEO team. 

What does your job role involve? 

One of the perks of my job is that it can change day-to-day depending on client queries and priorities; I really enjoy having the flexibility to switch tasks regularly. One day I might be working on the technical and reporting aspects of SEO, while on others, I could be focusing on tailoring strategies and analysing campaign performance for specific client needs.

Are there any specific marketing tools you use? 

We use several that help with auditing and crawling sites, such as Screaming Frog and SEMRush, which can help us identify technical problems with a website. We’ve also recently adopted NightWatch, which now provides us with even more data when tracking our client’s key search terms.

What’s your area of specialism? 

My adopted role has been more of the technical side of SEO. Whilst the whole team has the opportunity to take on all aspects of SEO, I find myself drawn to the technical side because I enjoy the problem-solving involved.

Do you have any marketing tips? 

SEO is an industry that is continuously shifting, and it’s important to keep up with these changes, so I would say make it a habit to stay informed about the latest updates, algorithm changes and trends in the SEO industry.

What do you enjoy about working at Bigg? 

Aside from the variety of work we get to take on, I would definitely say the people! Even though all the teams work hard, it still remains a relaxed and fun work environment.

Grow Your Business With Our Expert Team

We hope you’ve enjoyed this inside look into life at Bigg. It’s safe to say that, as a team of industry experts offering holistic marketing services, working with us to devise your next digital campaign is a no brainer! 

From well-crafted content writing to strategic paid ads, we take an innovative, results-driven approach to marketing that leverages visitor and conversion data to improve results and increase your profitability month after month.

Ready to uncover your biggest growth opportunities? Schedule a Strategy Call to learn more about our services.

Here at Bigg, we’re always excited to work with a new client – not only do we enjoy the prospect of utilising our expertise to show them what we can do, but we also appreciate that they’re putting their trust into our efforts and capabilities.

One client we’ve established a relationship with recently is Superhuman Sports, and it’s fair to say that said relationship has blossomed into something beautiful. With experience working with other clients in the fitness industry, we’re confident that Superhuman Sports has put their trust in the right agency – in fact, the results are already speaking for themselves.

Keep reading as we discuss how we’ve been powering superhuman leads for Superhuman Sports, with an inside look at the strategies and approaches we’ve used on their campaigns to lead to significant growth in a short period of time.

Who is Superhuman Sports?

So, who is Superhuman Sports? Since 2013, Superhuman Sports has been hosting various outdoor fitness racing, adventure sports events, physical challenges and fitness experiences in the UK.

Operating across the South West, they arrange and operate mass participation fitness events that are open to people of all fitness levels, attracting members of the sport-loving community from all over the world to take part.

Their events combine fitness racing, mixed-terrain running, rucking, obstacles and unconventional equipment, with some of their iconic events including:

  • Superhuman Games
  • X Race Series
  • Epic 10Ks Trails

Their Goals

So, why did Superhuman Sports come to us? Whilst they have very much built their own success, when it comes to their website, Superhuman Sports recognised that there were some areas for improvement.

In hopes to improve these, they sought out our expertise to address these areas, allowing us to do what we do best so that they can focus on what they do best: providing fun and challenging fitness events.

After initial consultations with Superhuman Sports, we learned that the main goals they have for their campaign include:

  • Optimised web pages
  • Improved user experience
  • Better analytics results

Let’s break each of these down in more detail.

Optimised Web Pages

One of the key objectives they wanted to achieve with their campaign is to optimise the pages on their existing website. More specifically, they wanted to optimise their site for mobile users, which is incredibly important in today’s digital landscape.

They also wanted to improve their site load speed, which is important for ensuring a positive user experience – leading us on to their next key objective.

Improved UX

Ensuring a positive user experience is fundamental when it comes to designing and building a website for your business. Superhuman Sports wanted to ensure this on their own site.

Specifically, they wanted to ensure a smooth process from users landing on their website to signing up to one of their events.

Better Analytics Results

Analytics are essential for monitoring the performance of your website. Looking at their own site performance, one of the ultimate goals Superhuman Sports aims to achieve in the long run is to reduce bounce rates and increase conversions.

The Game Plan: Our Tactics

After understanding Superhuman Sports’ key goals from their campaign, it was then up to us to come up with appropriate strategies to target and address these, with the aim of delivering tangible results.

So how did we do that? Well, to us, it was undeniable that in order to optimise their site for mobile users and improve the user experience, we needed to target and optimise specific web pages on their site.

As such, we identified three specific pages that not only had potential for improvement but were most likely to organically direct traffic to their sign up page, which would subsequently help to improve conversion rates.

We optimised these pages with three key elements in mind:

  1. Copy
  2. Design
  3. SEO

By optimising the existing copy on these pages, we were able to focus on making exactly what each event offered by Superhuman Sports consists of clearer, so that site visitors have all the information they need to make an informed decision over whether these are suited to them.

Then, to enhance engagement and ensure that people were more likely to read the actual copy on these pages, we implemented new design features to make the pages more eye-catching whilst fitting in with the existing branding.

To further increase the potential for more conversions, – i.e. people signing up for their events – we also focused on creating a brand new sign up page to be included on their site.

Not only does this make the process both clearer and easier for site users, but through the use of internal linking from the optimised pages, this page is much easier for them to organically navigate to and encourages action on their part to actively sign up.

The Outcome: What’s the Score?

With all of the work we put into their campaign, did our strategy actually pay off? We believe it did!

Thanks to our optimisation efforts, Superhuman Sports saw a 21% increase in organic users, along with a 9% increase in engaged sessions. Considering we only completed this work for them between March and April, these are very promising results for their campaign!

If we look even more specifically, it’s evident to us that their X Race Series page, which showcases all the upcoming events of their popular X Race Series fitness and endurance challenge, has proven to be especially popular with site visitors. This is clear by looking at their average engagement time, which has gone up from seven seconds to 32 seconds.

The Finish Line

It’s fair to say that we’ve fostered a positive relationship with Superhuman Sports, just as we’ve delivered positive results for their campaign.

Looking to see the same promising results for your own business? Work with our digital marketing experts here at Bigg. With specialists in all areas of digital marketing, from content writing to SEO, you can rest assured that we’ll deliver a targeted strategy personalised to your business goals.

Get in touch with us today to book your initial consultation call.

Worried that your marketing campaign is beginning to feel stale? It may be time to help it evolve into an effective strategy once more. With paid advertising and automated features becoming steadily more popular, learning about your audience doesn’t need to be rocket science. 

In this article, we’ll guide you through scaling up your campaigns to reach an impactful and effective result. 

Setting Up a Campaign

Before you can scale your campaign, you’ll need to set up one to begin with. Not all campaigns can be scaled, depending on how you choose to set it up and execute it, so preparing your campaign to be scaled up from the get-go is essential.

Set Goals

Why are you starting a campaign and what is it that you would like to achieve? Setting goals before you begin is an excellent way to measure how well your strategy is working over time. It’s important to set realistic goals, that you feel as though you might be able to achieve with your thought-out campaign.

Adjusting Your Appearance

If you’re deciding to pour resources into scaling your campaign, it’s incredibly important to ensure that the site that any clicks may lead to looks professional and high-quality. Spending funds to attract an audience will simply be wasted if they remain unimpressed by your non-functional website. 

Make sure that during your campaign your website is something you and your team are proud of, rather than something you’d like to dust under the carpet.

Value Your Competitors

Every business will have its competitors, as a sign of a healthy and potentially successful company. It’s unlikely that you and your competitors will have identical tactics when it comes to advertising, so it can be beneficial to check in with other companies in your field to see what they might be doing to appeal to more customers, as well as analyse the apparent success of their attempts.

Know Your Audience

Through getting to know your audience, you can begin to learn what sort of advertising your customers are likely to respond well to, increasing the rate of clicks to your website. Understanding the platforms they are likely to use is also increasingly valuable, as it helps you balance your paid advertising in favour of the most used platforms. 

Data and analytics can be used to help you track this both before your campaign begins and during its progress, so never fear, changes can always be made to your strategy. 

Challenges You May Face

Life and business alike would never be without their difficulties. The best way to tackle a challenge is to remain a step ahead, preventing you from getting caught out by any problems. Similarly, arranging contingency plans can help you deal with an issue smoothly if it arrives, helping your campaign continue undisturbed otherwise.

Data Feedback

Monitoring feedback is an important part of any campaign, whether you choose to scale upwards or not. Data analytics will present you with guidance on how well your current tactics are doing, including whether paid advertising is successfully earning the clicks you need for an ROI. 

If this feedback isn’t necessarily promising, that’s no reason to pull your campaign entirely, it just may need some tweaking and shifting.

Keeping Ahead of Trends

In such a fast-paced world, trends can come and go quickly. Utilising what is currently popular on social media and other platforms can be a great way of keeping your content engaging and attracting more customers to your site, but keeping ahead is the real challenge. 

Planning content and executing its publication can take the time it takes for a trend to pass, so weigh up the likelihood of a trend staying around with the time and resources that it may take to create content.


Speaking of resources, these can also be a challenge within themselves. You’re unlikely to have the resources that a large conglomerate will have for its marketing campaign, so it’s important to understand that your campaign scaling needs to be appropriate to your specific business. 

A campaign is an investment, however, it’s important to make sure you can afford the cost of your goals and any adjustments that might be needed.

Keep Up with Technology

Another challenge can be keeping up with the advances in automated features for a website, which are designed to help both the business and the website user. Many consumers, for example, have come to expect AI chatbots on a website, created to help a user find out what they need to know about your business and products without requiring paid legwork on your side. 

On the other hand, some tools can make your employees’ jobs simpler when it comes to advertising, such as a way to schedule a social media post for a time when it will earn optimal views.

Prepare to Scale

Growing your campaign won’t always be a quick process, but it’s sure to be achievable. In this section, you’ll learn how to successfully scale your campaign by preparing for the process beforehand. Read on to learn more.

Utilising SEO Keywords

Increasing your content can be a great way to increase the scale of your campaign, particularly through utilising SEO keywords that make you more appealing to customers and search engines alike. Make sure you have plenty of relevant keywords researched and ready to go to be utilised when creating content throughout the campaign. 

Hiring More Employees

Increasing the effort put into your advertising campaign means increasing your staff. A dedicated team of persons that focus on improving the success of your campaign will surely help it grow, increasing your ROI. New employees will often have fresh ideas too, which can help to prevent your strategy from becoming stale and repetitive. 

Schedule Check-Ins

Remember those goals you had set for your campaign and its beginning? You will inevitably need time to discuss the challenges and results of these with your team, so ensure you can scale up the time you give to your campaign. By scheduling early on, you have a timeline that both you and your team can follow towards an improved and successful strategy. 

Fund the User Experience

Ever visited a heavily outdated website, with unusable buttons and content strictly written ten years ago? It’s a frustrating experience, leaving you unable to find the products you were originally looking for in the first place. Ensure this is not the case for your site visitors, by implementing useful tools that can help them navigate with ease.

Aside from user-friendliness, you need to keep your content updated and moving. Increase the amount of content you’re producing, for example, if you have seen success so far. This will also help a search engine recognise that your website is live, encouraging the search engine to rank your website higher in its search results. 

Choosing the Right Time to Scale

Once your campaign is in full swing, it’s time to start thinking about scaling up. Choosing the right time is paramount to its success, so read on for our tips for selecting the ideal occasion for an increase. 

The Current Success of Your Campaign

Before jumping into a fully scaled campaign, consider the current success of your strategy so far. Occasionally, a marketing technique that may have seemed helpful beforehand is failing you as the campaign progresses. Funds are precious, so make the most of the budget you have allocated for your campaign, instead of continuously funding a method that only provides you with disappointment.

If your campaign isn’t yielding worthwhile results, it may be beneficial to hold off on scaling upwards with the same techniques. Pouring more resources into a method that doesn’t work will not make it more effective, so often it’s better to invest those funds elsewhere. Instead of scaling up, try making adjustments and shifting your tactics to find something that works for you. 

Make Sure That You’re Equipped

In an unstable company, making large changes to any area can be costly and often leads to a worsened situation. If you’re choosing to upscale your business, ensure that you’re equipped to take on higher workloads or pay for new advertisements. 

There is no universal right stage for scaling, as all companies differ immensely, so it’s more about finding the right time for you and making sure it suits your current resources and needs simultaneously.

Reach Success with Bigg

Looking to create a campaign that returns on its investment? Our experts at Bigg are the team to help. With a range of services, we can help you make a noticeable impact using marketing campaigns and bespoke strategies, tailored to you and your team specifically.
See results and reach your goals with Bigg. Get in touch to start your journey to marketing success today.

LinkedIn, home to over a billion members worldwide, stands out as a key player for businesses aiming to up their marketing game. It’s not just a network; it’s a powerhouse for generating leads, with a vast majority of its members playing a role in business decisions and wielding twice the purchasing power of the typical online crowd.

Getting the most out of LinkedIn means mastering its unique algorithm, especially with its latest updates offering clearer insights into what flies and what flops. Plus, with recent tweaks to its paid advertising features, businesses now have even more tools at their disposal for insightful audience targeting and strategic campaign planning.

Staying on top of all these updates can significantly boost your business’s visibility and success on the platform – let’s delve into some of the key algorithmic features and recent product updates you need to be aware of in 2024.

What Is the LinkedIn Algorithm?

The LinkedIn algorithm is a sophisticated program designed to showcase engaging posts to users, ensuring that individual members encounter the most relevant content in their feeds. 

As with many other social media platforms’ algorithms, it strives to optimise the user experience by observing the posts and profiles users interact with and tailoring their feeds to spotlight similar content. The overarching goal here is to enhance overall usage and engagement across the platform.

In short, the LinkedIn algorithm determines how content is prioritised within your feed and the extent of your own content’s reach within others’ feeds. LinkedIn provided a handy visual representation of the processes involved in assessing and distributing content following the recent updates:

How the Algorithm Works in 2024

LinkedIn is shifting its focus away from low-quality, “viral” content towards content from subject matter experts tailored to specific audiences. This approach is clearly working so far: from 2021 to 2023, LinkedIn reported an impressive 42% year-on-year increase in content shared and a 27% increase in content viewed.

Traditionally, “superficial” engagement served as a key indicator of relevance. However, recent insights suggest that its significance as a ranking signal has diminished and will continue to do so in the coming years. Meaningful, quality interactions now take priority – for example, comments that properly respond to the content of a post and incite discussion are favourable over basic, non-specific comments like “Agreed.” or “Congratulations!” 

Additionally, as part of LinkedIn’s commitment to prioritising quality over recency, the algorithm now sorts feed content non-chronologically, meaning users may see older or more popular content ahead of new content.

Key Metrics for Organic Success

LinkedIn’s algorithm considers countless factors when determining a post’s reach, but the main ones to bear in mind following recent updates are as follows:

Post Quality

The algorithm assesses whether a post adheres to LinkedIn’s guidelines and professional community policies and the overall quality of the content when determining its reach:

  • Clear, high-quality content will take priority
  • Spammy content will be shown less frequently to users, if at all
  • Low-quality content that is not considered spam will lie somewhere in the middle

Post Testing

Posts that pass the quality check undergo testing within immediate and extended networks, with engagement serving as a key metric. High, good-quality engagement signals post quality, prompting the algorithm to broaden its reach to a wider audience.

Member Activity

LinkedIn tailors content distribution based on user activity, considering interests, followed hashtags, and previous interactions. This ensures that posts reach users likely to engage meaningfully, enhancing overall engagement levels. 

Member Expertise

The algorithm also assesses users’ expertise when determining the relevance and quality of their posts. This means your professional background, as outlined in your profile, plays a crucial role in influencing how the algorithm evaluates and distributes your content.

Relevance to Users

The algorithm prioritises content based on its relevance to users’ connections and extended networks. First-degree connections receive priority visibility, followed by individuals with whom the user regularly interacts. Factors such as the post’s topic, language and mentioned entities further influence visibility within the extended network.

In order to satisfy these metrics and increase your chances of success, you should craft content that not only resonates with a targeted audience but also highlights your expertise and fosters authentic engagement.

Recent Changes to Paid Advertising Tools

In addition to these changes to the algorithm’s content prioritisation and distribution process, LinkedIn recently announced some product updates affecting their paid advertising tools. Let’s take a look at a few of these important developments:

Discontinuation of Lookalike Audiences

On 29th February 2024, it discontinued its Lookalike Audiences function. This means that:

  • Users can no longer create new lookalike audiences or edit existing ones.
  • Current audiences became static – i.e. data is no longer being refreshed and updated.
  • Active ad campaigns are still able to serve static audiences.

LinkedIn recommends marketers use predictive audiences and audience expansion instead.

Predictive Audiences: This tool leverages AI models and your existing source data to identify potential converters you should be targeting.

Audience Expansion: This tool helps you target new relevant buyers based on your campaign’s target audience.

Paid advertising campaigns can use these features to ensure continued dynamic targeting. These new tools offer a tighter, conversion-focused targeting approach, as opposed to loosely similar audiences identified by the Lookalike Audiences feature.

Introduction of Website Actions

LinkedIn is introducing the Website Actions tool to simplify website event tracking and conversion measurement. This feature can automatically capture critical on-site actions like button clicks and page views, providing further insight into buyer behaviour and interests. This can then make it easier to manage ad budgets, successfully retarget ads, and measure campaign performance.

Media Planning API

This new feature enables users to forecast campaign reach and frequency before spending, allowing for more strategic budget allocation and ultimately maximising return on investment (ROI). The advanced audience insights, efficient budget allocation and strategic planning capabilities brought about by this tool can also improve continued campaign optimisation processes.

Our Tips for LinkedIn Success in 2024

In light of these algorithm and product updates, it’s clear that LinkedIn is committed to continually refining its platform to foster quality content and meaningful engagement. Here are some expert tips for leveraging these insights to effectively enhance your LinkedIn presence in 2024:

Prioritise Quality Over Quantity: The algorithm’s shift towards valuing subject matter expertise and specific audience content means that quality trumps volume. Posts that offer clear, valuable insights aligned with professional standards are more likely to gain visibility.

Engage Authentically: Meaningful interactions are now more crucial than ever. Comments that foster discussion or provide thoughtful feedback are prioritised over generic responses. Engage with your network in a manner that adds value and encourages dialogue.

Optimise Your Profile: Your professional background significantly influences how your content is perceived and distributed. Ensure your profile clearly reflects your expertise and experiences to boost the relevance and reach of your posts.

Craft High-Quality Content: Adhere to LinkedIn’s guidelines and focus on creating posts that are informative, engaging, and relevant to your target audience.

Understand Post Testing: Recognise that initial engagement is critical. Prompt reactions from your immediate network can significantly expand your content’s reach.

Monitor Member Activity: Tailor your content to match your audience’s interests, utilising hashtags and topics they engage with, to increase the likelihood of meaningful interactions.

Showcase Your Expertise: Regularly share insights and updates related to your field to establish yourself as a thought leader and make your content more attractive to the algorithm.

Adapt to the Discontinuation of Lookalike Audiences: Shift your strategy to embrace predictive audiences and audience expansion tools for more refined and conversion-focused targeting.

Utilise Website Actions: This tool can provide deeper insights into how users interact with your website, enabling more precise retargeting and budget allocation.

Implement the Media Planning API: Use this feature to forecast and optimise your campaign’s reach and frequency for improved budget efficiency and ROI.

Enhance Your LinkedIn Strategy With Bigg

To thrive on LinkedIn in 2024, it’s essential to adapt to the changes we’ve outlined today. By focusing on quality content, prioritising authentic engagement and leveraging new advertising tools, you can enhance your LinkedIn strategy for better visibility and engagement. 

Remember, success on LinkedIn now requires a nuanced understanding of your audience and how the algorithm prioritises content. Tailoring your approach with these insights in mind can significantly increase your chances of success on this ever-evolving platform.
At Bigg, we’re dedicated to helping you navigate the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing. With a strategic approach and a finger on the pulse of LinkedIn’s latest updates, we can help you unlock the full potential of this professional social platform and propel your brand to new heights in 2024 and beyond.

As a business owner, your primary focus is on growth and innovation, not on repetitive tasks like manually sending out emails. Email marketing, while essential, shouldn’t consume your valuable time.

Enter email automation—a powerful tool that not only saves you hours but also enhances your marketing efforts. Imagine sending targeted, personalised emails to your customers without lifting a finger. This technology streamlines your workflow, allowing you to nurture leads and drive sales effortlessly.

How does it work? In this blog, we’ll demystify email automation, showing you how it can transform your business. We’ll explore its benefits and share effective strategies to integrate into your campaigns.

What is Email Automation?

Email automation uses predefined rules to send personalised emails based on customer actions, such as welcome emails or abandoned cart reminders. This helps keep customers engaged and encourages repeat visits.

Why Utilise Email Automation?

The great thing about email automation is that it offers you a way to send the right message to the right people at the right time, making it a very powerful marketing tool. However, let’s take a look at some of the specific opportunities it grants you below. 

Personalise Customer Experiences

It’s no secret that customers love personalisation. Research by Statista simply reinforces what business owners already know: 90% of consumers find personalised content either very or somewhat appealing. However, it may come as a surprise that the leading type of personalisation experience that marketers use is actually email. This means that building relationships with customers via email should be a top priority in your marketing campaign, and email automation is a great way to do this. 

Take advantage of your mailing list sign-up form to collect relevant data. On top of asking for a new user’s email address and/or phone number, you could also include fields asking for:

  • Their birthday
  • The types of products they’re interested in
  • Their reason for shopping
  • What kinds of emails they want to receive
  • How often they want to purchase your products

Plus, when you link your web analytics with your email marketing platform, you can even target people based on behaviour, location, preferences and previous sales. You can then personalise each customer’s experience and increase the relevance of your automated campaigns. 

Make the Most of Your Marketing Team

Automation is fundamentally changing the way that many different kinds of teams operate. For email marketing teams, this could look like less time spent manually compiling email lists and scheduling deliveries. This effectively frees up the time for them to focus on other pressing tasks, such as more in-depth customer relationship building.

Improve Customer Retention Rate

Automated emails are a fantastic way to boost your customer retention rates, especially when it comes to devising an exceptional post-purchase experience. After all, it’s much simpler and more cost-effective to market to existing customers than to convert new ones, and thanks to email automation, staying in touch has never been easier. Schedule messages so that customers hear from you regularly, and make sure that your copy is super relevant for maximum impact.

Win Back Lost Customers

Email automation can even help to draw back those customers you’ve had trouble retaining. Shoppers who have visited your site and purchased from you before, but haven’t returned in a while, are perfect targets for email communication. Personalise win-back emails based on: 

  • Previous sales
  • The length of time they’ve been away
  • The average time between purchases for the types of products you sell

You could also include exclusive offers in your re-engagement emails to further entice customers, like a discount or access to a new product. 

Make Your Strategy Scalable

When you send out a series of emails manually, the size of your team limits the amount of customers you can reach. It’s worth considering whether you’d be able to stay on schedule if your client base suddenly doubled!

On the other hand, sending automated emails allows you to scale your marketing efforts. For example, programming your platform of choice to send a message every time someone signs up for your mailing list via a form means that you don’t have to wait for a staff member to be available to hit send. Customers are integrated into your system as soon as they perform any action that you track, without you having to put any more strain on already limited resources. 

How to Make Your Automated Emails Count

Now that you’re clued up on the ins and outs of email automation and what it can do for your business, here are a few tips on how to make your new automated email strategy run as smoothly as possible. 

Track Responses

Each time you send an automated email, you’re granted with a unique opportunity to collect key information from customers that shouldn’t be wasted. You should be tracking if a customer:

  • Opens an email 
  • Clicks through to your site
  • Uses an offer
  • Purchases a suggested product
  • Continues to browse once on your site

Remember: everything you learn about your customers through targeted emails can inform your next step. For instance, if you notice that recipients aren’t opening your offer emails or aren’t clicking on recommendations, go for a different tactic. 

Be Strategic with Offers

Did you know that high shipping costs are one of the most common reasons that shoppers abandon what’s in their basket? Now, while you can’t skip out on delivery fees or bottom out your product prices, you could send out exclusive offers or promo codes to draw in customers who are on the fence. While this tip can be effective, make sure that you don’t use it too liberally – otherwise, customers might expect to receive a discount more often. 

Design a Drip Campaign

You’l sometimes find that certain users interact with your business several times before becoming a customer. In this scenario, drip campaigns can be handy, as they ‘drip’ useful content about your company, products or the industry you’re in. In order to pull these kinds of campaigns off, your content has got to be highly relevant. Fortunately, when using email automation, drip campaign messages only get sent out to prospects who have demonstrated interest in your company. 

Want to Stand Out in Every Inbox? 

Need more help getting your email marketing campaign off the ground? As experts in all things digital, Bigg makes it almost impossible to fail at growing your business. We take a results-driven approach to email marketing that leverages opens, clicks and conversion data to improve results and increase profitability month by month. We’ll work with you to understand your business objectives and to devise an email strategy that meets your goals the fastest.

To start creating well-designed, optimised emails that actually convert, get in touch with a member of our helpful team today.

If you’re interested in driving success from your marketing campaign, our performance updates are sure to inspire you this month. We’ve got so much to share, even after VanBroker joined us in just early December! Dive into our Bigg performance update below to learn more about how a results-driven approach to digital marketing can make a difference. 

An Introduction To VanBrokerUK: USPs & Aims

VanBrokerUK is a van dealership based in Somerset, offering new and used vans in a wide range of makes and models. The company has been up and running for years, offering a range of finance options for vans while making things as easy as possible. 

Being in competition with a plethora of other van leasing companies, what sets our client apart? VanBrokerUK holds a range of unique selling points that they wanted to highlight in their campaign: 

  • A free delivery & price promise (if you find a cheaper van, they’ll match or beat the price)
  • A wide product range 
  • Competitive pricing, a selection of finance options and quality assurance

Bigg’s Strategic Impact

One of the key differences in our approach is to really understand the needs of our clients, and help them achieve what they are looking for from their digital marketing campaign. So, that’s exactly what we did. 

We gained a thorough understanding of VanBroker’s needs so that we could implement the best strategies to boost their brand visibility and help drive an increase in sales. The primary focus outlined by VanBroker themselves was to generate more leads and enquiries through the form on their own website. 

Our Unique Approach: A Tailored Campaign For Maximum Results 

Given the campaign’s objectives, our strategy focused on using paid advertising to help VanBroker achieve their goals. Read below to find out how we used Facebook and Google ads to execute this. 


Our Facebook Ad approach included a range of different strategies: 

  • We implemented a strategy that divided our marketing efforts into prospecting and retargeting, tailoring the copy for each segment to maximise engagement.
  • We also tested different ad formats, including images and carousels, to determine which approach was more effective with the audience. 
  • Using A/B testing strategies, we compared lookalike and interest based groups to optimise our strategy. 
  • Our retargeting efforts were also multifaceted, encompassing different objectives such as driving website traffic, promoting on-Facebook calls and forms. This encourages people to move from consideration to conversion at different touch points. 


You can find our Google Ad strategies below: 

  • We diversified the campaign for Google Ads, which included prospecting branded and computer hijacking initiatives.  
  • We also tested various ad formats, such as standard search, performance max and dynamic search, to discover which format aligned the best with our audience. 
  • Using radius targeting strategies, we customised bidding strategies to adapt to the geographic location of users, helping us optimise ad placement and relevance based on their location. 
  • We also implemented tracking for the live chat feature, allowing us to gain comprehensive insights regarding user behaviour and interactions. This allowed us to gain a more holistic idea of a user’s journey on the website, giving us the ability to tailor our campaign accordingly in the future. 

Our Results Speak For Themselves

As we’ve reflected on VanBroker’s first full month with us, January provided us with results that speak for themselves.

With January being the first full month VanBroker has been with us, it’s extremely encouraging to see our campaign generating such a strong lead count, as well as a law cost per click. And we can say with confidence that this should only keep improving as the campaign continues to move forward! 

Bigg: Results Driven Digital Marketing 

Inspired by VanBroker’s initial success? Here at Bigg, we focus on results driven campaigns, with an excellent range of services and campaigns that are tailored to your business. We offer a range of digital marketing solutions, designed to boost your brand and show continuous improvements month after month. 
Are you looking for better results from your digital marketing? If you’re interested in digital marketing approaches that make a difference, get in touch with us today to learn more.

The typical modern inbox is overcrowded with promotional emails, newsletters, and other brand communications. So, if you want to set yourself apart from the competition, you need to be able to cut through the clutter and show consumers that you’ve got something meaningful to offer. One effective way to do that is by mastering the art of email personalisation.

What is Email Personalisation?

Put simply, email personalisation refers to the process of tailoring email communications to a specific recipient. This is usually done using data such as name, location, age, gender, behaviours, and more. 

The main factors to consider when personalising your email communications are:

  1. Relevance

The average worker receives at least 121 emails per day, so personalisation is a necessity to stand out from the crowd. You’ll need to offer them highly relevant content if you really want to grab their attention. If your email’s content doesn’t directly impact and resonate with the recipient, it’s likely to be quickly relegated to the bin.

  1. Timing

Personalised emails also need to be timely – i.e. the right kind of content needs to reach them at the right stage of their customer journey with you. You can determine exactly what a recipient needs to see and when by gathering a variety of information about them.

For example, if they search for something specific on your website, you can use this valuable insight into their current needs and interests to craft a tailored email that perfectly meets those needs.

  1. Human Connection

Making it clear that your email communications are coming from a real person is also key to engaging your audience. This human-to-human connection lies at the heart of email personalisation success.

You can take many different approaches to email personalisation, some of which we’ll delve a bit deeper into later on. Ultimately, though, sending relevant content to the right person at the right time is a tried and tested way of boosting engagement and conversions.

Understanding the Power of Personalisation

Modern consumers will not be satisfied with just a generic email blast; they want relevant, personalised content that addresses their individual needs and interests. 

According to 2021 research from McKinsey & Company, 71% of consumers now expect personalised marketing, while a staggering 76% get frustrated when a business’s communications aren’t personalised. 

Additionally, personalisation appears to influence buying behaviour continually throughout the customer lifecycle:

  • 76% of consumers are more likely to make an initial purchase from a business offering personalised communications.
  • 78% are also more likely to then make repeated purchases and recommend the business to friends and family.

This just goes to show that failing to personalise your communications could put you at risk of losing valuable customers to businesses that have embraced personalisation. 

The dangers don’t end there: you may begin to fall behind your competitors on the revenue front, too. Research has suggested that brands that personalise their marketing could generate as much as 40% more revenue than those that don’t.

So, the power of personalisation is clear. Not only do consumers want it and expect it, but it can also help to:

  • Increase email open rate
  • Boost engagement
  • Improve brand loyalty
  • Spread brand awareness
  • Increase conversions throughout the customer lifecycle
  • Maximise Return on Investment (ROI)

The Three Tiers of Personalisation

How exactly can businesses begin to personalise their email communications, you ask? There are many ways to tailor emails to a particular audience, some of which you probably come across every day in your own inbox. 

They can be loosely categorised into three tiers of personalisation: the basics, segmentation, and advanced personalisation.

  1. The Basics

At the most basic level, there are three main places where you can leverage personalisation in your emails. These are:

  • “From” name – Your business’ name or a specific product/service name. 
  • Subject line – The opening lines that recipients see in their inboxes.
  • Preview text – The short one-liner continuing on from the subject line.

Studies have shown that personalising at least some of these key elements has a direct positive impact on open rates. 

This could involve strategically integrating details like your recipient’s first name or their specific attributes into one or more of these elements. For instance, consider tailoring your subject lines and/or preview text based on location, job title, gender, age or any other useful insights derived from your audience data.

Combining the recipient’s first name with a compelling subject line – for example, ‘Lucy, our spring sale starts now!’ or, even better, ‘Lucy, your favourite items are on sale!’ – can enhance personal connection and engagement. A/B testing different personalised subject lines and CTAs can further improve open and click-through rates, distinguishing your emails in a cluttered inbox and increasing conversions.

  1. Segmentation

Segmentation involves categorising your email list into distinct groups based on common attributes. This process enhances understanding of your audience, allowing you to then tailor your email communications to similar behaviour groups. Utilising data from each of your segments enables a deeper level of personalisation, moving beyond the more generic tactics like using recipients’ first names. 

A fashion brand might initially divide its email subscribers by gender demographics, separating males and females. However, there’s room for improvement. By further segmenting these lists based on geographic demographics, the brand can tailor product suggestions according to local weather patterns during various seasons.

  1. Advanced Personalisation

Advanced email personalisation goes beyond basic audience attributes, offering a much more immersive experience. Those who’ve mastered the art of email personalisation can deliver email campaigns that feel like they were made for an individual recipient. You want your customers to think “Wow, this brand really gets me!” upon reading your emails.

Strategies employed at this level of personalisation could include triggered emails based on customer actions, like sending a discount after cart abandonment. This kind of email workflow might look like this:

Dynamic content within emails, such as countdown timers or live shipment tracking, further enhances personalisation by providing real-time information to recipients. These strategies significantly improve relevance and engagement, moving recipients along the buyer journey effectively.

Best Practices for Email Personalisation

Using email personalisation is a game-changer for businesses looking to connect with their audience, foster brand loyalty, and drive more sales. If you’re new to this, here are some handy tips to kickstart your journey:

Define Your Goals

Establish what you want to achieve and how you’ll measure it. Monitor metrics like click-through rates for website traffic, unsubscribe and churn rates for loyalty, and customer journey actions for new prospects.

Personalise the “From” Name

Matching certain recipients to specific “From” names can help to encourage interaction. A study by SuperOffice revealed that 45% of email subscribers would base their decision on whether or not to open an email on the sender name alone, so it’s important to get this right.

To give the impression of real human connection, you could even make the sender a specific staff member’s name. Some research has suggested that this can increase open rates by as much as 35%!

Address the Recipient Directly

This fosters a sense of connection and relevance, creating a more engaging experience for the recipient and increasing the likelihood of them opening and interacting with the email content. Personalisation also helps to establish trust and demonstrates that the sender values the individual recipient, ultimately contributing to the success of the email campaign.

Research has shown that even simply using the recipient’s first name in the subject line can increase open rates by 26%!

Write Captivating Preview Text

This element allows you to provide the recipient with more context, intrigue your audience, and really highlight the relevance of the content. This increases the chances of them opening your email.

Gather and Segment Customer Data 

By collecting and examining data like previous purchases, online activities, and demographic details, you can craft more precise and relevant messages for each segment of your email roster.

Comply with Privacy Regulations. 

It’s vital that you adhere to the General Data Protection (GDPR) when collecting data from consumers. Here are some key guidelines to follow: 

  • Make sure you have clear permission before emailing anyone.
  • Avoid using pre-selected checkboxes on forms.
  • Keep your website’s privacy policy current to outline how you collect and use data.
  • Have all collected consumer data ready to share if asked.
  • Be ready to remove subscriber info upon request.
  • Refrain from selling subscriber details to third parties.

Send Emails at Optimal Times

Ensure your emails reach your audience when they’re most likely to engage. Consider their time zone and preferences to optimise delivery. Marketing automation tools allow you to identify peak engagement times and schedule your email sends accordingly.

Determine What Works With A/B Testing

A/B testing splits recipients into two groups to compare email variations and determine which design performs better. This allows you to optimise future email campaigns to improve metrics like open rate and click-through rate, as well as prevent human bias.

Don’t Overdo It

Although personalisation can be really effective, it’s vital to excessive personalisation. Refrain from overloading with personal details or assuming too much about your customers, as this could seem intrusive or unsettling.

By following these expert tips, you can begin to build a more effective email personalisation strategy that engages your audience, helps to cultivate a loyal community, and drives more opens and conversions.

Purposeful Email Marketing Services from Bigg

If you’re looking to step up your email marketing efforts, look no further than Bigg. We are a digital marketing agency with lots of experience in delivering successful personalised email marketing campaigns for a wide range of clients. 

Whether you’re hoping to encourage more enquiries or boost sales of a specific product, you can rely on our scientific approach to get you the great results you’re after.

Ready to get started? Schedule a strategy call with one of our email marketing experts today to learn more about what we can do for you.

From Gen Z and millennials to Generation X and even baby boomers, a large majority of individuals across all generations will have a presence on at least one social media platform. Whether they use Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or any other of the wide range of platforms, there’s no denying that social media is a defining characteristic of the modern landscape.

Its prevalence doesn’t only offer individuals the opportunity to interact, learn and be entertained, but it has also widened the opportunities for marketing strategies – specifically for paid advertisements.

In this article, we’ll discuss the impact social media has had on paid ad campaigns and how it can be utilised in the most effective way, looking at some of the emerging platforms, formats and trends that you can focus on in 2024 to make the most of your social advertising efforts.

The Impact of Social Media on Advertising

Social media hasn’t only fundamentally changed how people communicate with one another, but it’s also changed how they browse online and, more importantly, how they interact with brands.

Whilst this has affected traditional advertising campaigns on the web, it does offer you the unique opportunity to reach your target audience directly. Using a range of specific criteria, such as demographics, interests and behaviours, you are able to reach a highly targeted audience with your ad campaigns on social platforms. This ensures that you are delivering your message directly to the people you want to reach – ideally, these are the people who also want to see it!

There is another factor unique to social media that helps considerably with this: algorithms. In simple terms, an algorithm is a set procedure that a computer programme follows to perform a computation or solve a problem. Essentially, they are the rules, signals and data that govern how a social media platform operates.

These algorithms determine how content is filtered, ranked, selected and recommended to users. This means that what users see on their social media is heavily impacted by content that they have viewed and interacted with previously, with the algorithm working to show them content that is likely to be relevant to their interests.

When it comes to social ads, these are highly beneficial.

Algorithms can group individuals with similar characteristics, preferences and behaviours into distinct segments. You can then target your ads at specific individuals based on which user segments best match the characteristics of your target customers. The algorithm will then help further by showing your ads to the users it believes they are most relevant to.

Because social media allows you to reach the right audiences with your ads, this can work out as being more cost-effective than traditional paid advertising, with there being a higher chance of increased engagement, conversions and return on ad spend (ROAS).

The Rise of TikTok

If there’s one social media platform that’s been on everyone’s lips over the past couple of years, it’s TikTok.

Renowned for its engaging short-form and user generated content, viral challenges and incredibly fast algorithm, TikTok has captured the attention of many, having been downloaded by over four billion users worldwide.

This is an emerging platform in the ad world, with many businesses utilising it to promote their services and products. There are two predominant ways you can do this:

  1. Through TikTok ads
  2. By creating a TikTok profile for your business

TikTok ads work similarly to the way traditional PPC advertising works; you set your budget, targeting and bidding method, upload your photo or video, add your ad copy and CTA, then submit the ad.

As for creating your own profile on TikTok, this allows you to generate authentic content, interact with your customers and utilise popular trends to increase awareness and reach of your business organically.

The Role of Influencers

Trust and authenticity are two of the most important factors consumers value when buying a product – especially when exploring products from a business they’ve never shopped or interacted with before.

Even if you effectively establish a relationship with potential customers online, users are often still hesitant to buy a product based on content provided by the brand alone due to the level of bias involved. This is where influencers come in.

Influencers are individuals who have generated a strong following online, having garnered enough credibility or authority to affect the behaviour of others. People not only enjoy the content influencers put out, but they value and, more importantly, trust their opinions.

Many businesses have recognised this and identified the benefits of working with influencers to advertise their products.

This is done by collaborating with an influencer whose followers also meet the criteria of your target audience; you can then send them your product to test out in the form of a PR package, in hopes that they’ll like it and will share it in a post for their followers to see, or you can pay them to create a sponsored post promoting your product(s) and business.

This not only helps you to reach a wider audience and increase brand recognition, but because their followers trust the influencer’s opinion they are more likely to check your business out and even be more willing to spend their own money to buy the product(s) or service(s) you offer.

Effective Ad Formats: Emerging Trends in 2024


With the rise of short-form videos on various platforms, i.e. TikTok, Instagram Reels and Youtube Shorts, many social media users are choosing to spend their scrolling time engaging with this type of content over heavily text and image-oriented content.

Research shows that the average attention span is a mere 8.25 seconds, meaning you don’t have a lot of time to work with to capture audiences’ attention with your ads. With that said, users tend to spend more time watching videos than they do consuming other content.

This makes videos an effective way to keep your audience’s attention – a fact that can also be applied to your ads!

Here are some key tips to remember when doing so:

  • Catch audience’s attention immediately: whilst users are more likely to watch a video, their attention span still remains short, so it’s important that you catch their attention from the very first second – keep your video ads eye-catching from the start.
  • Tell a story in silence: whilst you can incorporate sound into your video ads, ensure that you still visually portray everything your audience needs to know without it; not only is this inclusive of those who are hard of hearing, but many users will watch your video ads without their sound turned on.
  • Incorporate a clear CTA: as with all forms of ads, you want to prompt your users to take action – remember to use a clear call to action to inform them about the next steps they can take.


It’s not only important to think about how you present your ads on social media, but think about how your target audience is searching for things on there that might lead them to your business.

One way search is changing is through the use of voice-assistants. The majority of social media users use their mobile for browsing, with the majority of modern smartphones now featuring voice assistance – such as Siri for Apple devices, Google Assistant for Pixel phones and Bixby for Samsung.

Whilst voice assist is more commonly used for general browsing or navigation of a device than on social media, some social media platforms, including TikTok and YouTube, offer the option to use speech as well as text in their search bar.

It’s likely that other platforms will follow suit, with Facebook already in the process of developing its own speech recognition software, a feature that would have the potential to be used to navigate their apps for better hands-free usage.

Many smartphone keyboards also feature an option to use speech over text, allowing users to search social media platforms in this way whenever suits them – offering a faster and more natural way to find relevant content.

So, how do you go about optimising your ads for voice search? We have two top tips in particular that are essential:

  1. Research keywords for voice search: voice search queries tend to be longer and much more conversational in nature compared to text searches – consider focusing on incorporating long-tail keywords and conversational keywords into your ad copy, description and/or hashtags.
  2. Optimise your site for mobile use: those who use voice search are likely doing so on their mobiles, so make sure that your website and landing pages are optimised to be mobile-friendly to avoid a high bounce rate.

Build Your Social Presence with Bigg

Are you struggling to reach the right audience? Ads not performing as well as you’d hope? If you’ve got no experience with building a business presence on social media, then worry not – we’re experts.

At Bigg, our experienced team is on hand to help you with your social and paid advertising. Creating a custom strategy that focuses on your goals, our efforts ensure that your business’ social presence grows steadily and organically whilst your ads reach the right audiences.

Get in touch with us today to take the first steps towards social success.

Can you imagine a Christmas where you see over a 100% increase in conversions and purchases on your website? What about a 170% return on ad spend? Charles Owen didn’t have to, as this is exactly what happened for them over the 2023 Christmas period thanks to our efforts here at Bigg.

Read on to learn more about their marketing success and how we helped to make that happen – it was a jolly Christmas, indeed!

Introducing Charles Owen

Charles Owen’s Christmas Campaign Success: Key performance statistics

Operating in the equestrian industry, Charles Owen is a leading manufacturer, distributor and seller of professional horse riding helmets and accessories.

They are a family run business and every one of their riding hats is handmade in Great Britain by skilled technicians – having been operating for over 100 years, they are leading specialists in what they do and have even received a Royal Warrant of Appointment recognising as such.

Bigg’s Role

Whilst Charles Owen has already established itself as a world-leading manufacturer of premium horse riding hats in Britain, they came to us here at Bigg to further increase their reach to customers on social media through specially curated ad campaigns.

Not only did they require us to help reach a wider audience of potential customers, but they wanted this with the aim to convert these into paying customers, including both through their own website and by redirecting customers from their site to their stockists’ sites.

Our Strategy

For Charles Owen’s campaign, our strategy focused on streamlining paid ads on Facebook and Instagram. This included:

  • Monitoring public comments and reactions to ads to identify the successful ads that audiences responded well to.
  • Using A/B testing (showing different users the same ad in a different format) with multiple audiences on both social platforms to discern the most cost-effective use of budget.
  • Creating a product-focused calendar for ad posts centred around the equestrian calendar, pushing specific products at different times of the year to avoid audiences viewing the same ad multiple times and ensuring the campaign was regularly refreshed.

Proof in the Pudding

Christmas is one of the most competitive times of year for businesses, but for Charles Owen it was undeniably a success thanks to the efforts of our team here at Bigg.

Compared to the same period in 2022, their 2023 Christmas campaign yielded the following results:

  • 170% increase in return on ad spend (ROAS)*
  • 191% increase in purchases
  • 153% increase in conversions (including clicks to find stockists on website, clicks to the Google Shopping link on website, products added to cart and completed purchases)
  • 162% increase in purchase value
  • 143% increase in ad views
  • 54% decrease in cost per conversion

*ROAS is the metric used to measure the amount of revenue earned for every pound spent within an advertising campaign.

What Made the Campaign Successful?

As you can see from the aforementioned statistics, the results of Charles Owens’ Christmas campaign soared as high as Santa’s sleigh, but what did we do that generated such success?

These results are down to:

  • Christmas-related ad copy and creative elements, including the introduction of ‘Gift Guides’.
  • Refining target audiences throughout the campaign and learning from previous ad performances to push successful ad types amongst these audiences.
  • Introducing dynamic catalogue ads using specifically collated sets of Charles Owen products dependent on the copy and audience for each ad; when a user would see an ad, Facebook would select which products to display from each catalogue set based on factors such as the person’s interests, browsing history and behaviours.
  • Pushed higher value items to increase purchase value.

Plans for 2024

Charles Owen’s TikTok page

Upon reflecting on the campaign’s achievements, we’re excited to continue working with Charles Owen throughout 2024.

As well as continuing to monitor and respond to campaign performance and implement proven strategies, we will be undertaking an exciting new venture as part of their ad campaign: branching out to TikTok!

Many businesses are expanding their advertising efforts to address target audiences on TikTok (an increasingly popular social media platform), which we are confident will be a beneficial move for Charles Owen.

As well as providing target audiences with valuable content in video format, this will also act as another platform where we can implement targeted ads and Charles Owen can sell their products through TikTok Shop – all of which are ideal for expanding reach and increasing purchases.

We’re incredibly pleased to see such envious results for Charles Owen’s Christmas campaign and they certainly were, too. Here’s looking to yet another successful year of working together ahead!

Boost Your Marketing Efforts with Bigg

Are you not seeing the results you want from your marketing campaigns? Leave it to the experts – afterall, it’s what we do!

As seen from the success of Charles Owen’s Christmas campaign, our services here at Bigg deliver tangible results. Thanks to the expertise, dedication and comprehensive efforts of our team, we can work with you to curate a bespoke strategy for your business, targeting the key areas you’re looking to improve and executing effective campaigns that will help you meet your marketing goals.

Are you ready for results? Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services or to arrange your 1:1 strategy call.